We parked at least 150 yards away. I walked into the WalMart store with my 75 year old father. Just as we entered a man was standing alone in the middle of the entry with a look of internal terror on his face. The lady greeter asked if she could get him a cart. I didn't understand what was going on. Why would someone so obviously frightened need a shopping cart? The man said to my father and I - Can you guys help me - I need some help. We walked quickly to him and he grabbed onto our arms. He said he was disoriented and couldn't balance. He had recently began having equilibrium trouble. "I'm not drunk or on drugs, I promise", he said. "But with all those people in the store it was like being caught in a school of fish" The man appeared to be in his early sixties. He was well-kept and very polite, but he was clearly very scared. I asked if I could call someone or do anything else for him. He said he would be fine if he could just get to his car. I agreed to help him walk to his car. We started out through the parking lot. He said he parked a long ways away. Out of the thousand cars in that parking lot, when we finally got to this car, he was parked right next to us.
I hear these stories about faith and religion. It's not science, you can't prove it and all that stuff. It seems to me that the proof of God is right there in front of us every day. It's not some mathematical equation, it's in the absolute magic and grace of these small events. We operate www.proudchristians.com and www.onlinechristianshopper.com. My old friends wonder why we're so religious these days. I guess I can't understand why anyone who's paying attention isn't be a Christian.
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